Make your company more environmentally sustainable – doing so pays off in nearly all cases. We will be glad to offer our help.
Companies have to meet a wide range of requirements in the areas of risk management and climate change adaptation as well as climate protection and energy management. It is important to prepare for the effects of climate change on the various in-house and external processes in order to counteract any potential adverse impacts at an early stage and to take advantage of emerging opportunities. Businesses also need to adapt to changing circumstances resulting from increased (inter)national efforts to protect the climate and mitigate the effects of climate change. The argument that “green sells” must also be taken seriously – because a larger and larger share of consumers consider this important in their purchasing decisions.
You have recognized these challenges, but you do not know exactly how to tackle them for your business? We can support you in gradually developing a scientifically sound, tailor-made climate adaptation, climate protection and sustainability concept.
In the case of climate adaptation, we analyze and evaluate existing and future risks at your company, collect data on relevant climate impacts and assess the vulnerability of your systems. In consultation with you, we work out measures for adaptation to climate change, moderate workshops and support strategy-finding processes. We combine current scientific results with local expertise and facilitate transformation processes leading to sustainability.
In order to make your company more environmentally friendly (keyword: climate protection), we start by assessing your energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Based on this, we initiate and monitor processes that optimize your energy system and transition to digitization. We provide support as you implement the most recent technological innovations, such as identifying your potential for solar energy based on laser scan data. To make the turnaround in energy policy sustainable, we moderate participatory processes for developing concrete solution measures and support their gradual implementation. In addition, we also support you in the ongoing monitoring and optimization of your databases, GIS applications and energy systems.
Climate change adaptation and climate protection thus already provide two important building blocks for your organization’s own sustainability strategy.