Climate and energy model region KUUSK
Development of an implementation concept.

With its initiation as a climate and energy model region (KEM), the Regional Management (KUUSK) has set itself the goal of developing into an energy-efficient and resource-saving region. In order to achieve this goal, action is required at both municipal and regional level.
In cooperation with SYNECO tec GmbH, alpS GmbH is therefore developing an implementation concept for the KEM KUUSK, within the framework of which environmental and climate protection measures will be developed for the region.
In a participatory process, energy and Co2 analyses are carried out in cooperation with the region and taking into account previous surveys and strategies such as the local development strategy 14-20, strengths, weaknesses and key stakeholders are identified and measures for climate protection are developed. The developed concept does not serve to achieve the KEM goals. Rather, it is intended to take into account synergy effects for the strategic further development of the region within the framework of the local development strategy 2023-27.