Hydrology in the northern sphere of influence of the Karawanken Tunnel
Statement on a hydrological report by a private consultant in the Austrian catchment area of the Karawanken Tunnel.

alpS GmbH was commissioned by geo.zt gmbh to prepare a hydrological statement on a hydrological report by a private expert that addresses a possible change in surface runoff in the area of influence of the Karawanken road tunnel. The hypothesis of the private expert assessment is that the expansion of the road tunnel will lead to a change in the surface runoff. The private expert opinion is based on data from the water management preservation of evidence and monitoring of recent years. The aim of the statement by alpS GmbH is to review the expert report with regard to the method used and the plausibility of the results. In addition, an alternative approach was outlined to quantify a possible change in surface runoff. This involves the simulation of the water cycle of the catchment area by means of rainfall-runoff modelling with the inclusion of remote sensing data.