
Integrated climate adaptation concept for the Zollernalb district

Climate change is a reality that the Zollernalb district is facing up to proactively!

Integrated climate adaptation concept for the Zollernalb district

Together with the consultancy firm Klima Plus, we are developing an integrated climate adaptation concept (KLAK) to make the district resilient and future-proof against the consequences of climate change.


A comprehensive analysis of the initial climatic situation forms the basis for specifically identifying local challenges and hotspots. Customised adaptation measures are developed on this basis.

Local stakeholders - primarily the municipalities in the district - are actively involved in many phases of the project in the form of learning workshops. This should enable the municipalities to develop their own climate adaptation concepts.


Which Funding: DAS-ANK Förderrichtlinie „Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels, Förderschwerpunkt A.1: Erstellung eines Nachhaltigen Klimaanpassungskonzeptes (Erstvorhaben)“ des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV)                 

12/2024 - 11/2026
Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
Climate change adaption
+43 512 392929-0