At the regional level climate change has many significant impacts on the hydrological cycle. The availability of water as well as the frequency and intensity of flood events changes.
The change in water availability, the increase and intensification of heavy rainfall events and the intensification of the hazard situations due to climate change pose major challenges to society. alpS supports you in the solution-oriented processing of a wide range of hydrological tasks:
Hydrological analyses and water resource management
Heavy rainfall events not only lead to flooding near water bodies, but can also result in uncontrolled surface water runoff. Floods and flash floods can cause great damage, which is why an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to the risk is necessary in order to establish sustainable heavy rainfall risk management. Together with local decision-makers, we determine the critical infrastructure in risk workshops, work out measures and develop tailor-made strategies to support a functioning heavy rainfall risk management.
Water Ressource Management and Climate Risk Analysis
In order to be able to scale the water runoff regime, water availability and cost estimation in flood cases, alpS experts use climate modelling and projections that represent the local impacts of climate change. This enables sound potential analyses for planned infrastructure measures, such as hydropower plants, which take into account the local impacts of global climate change.
Together with local decision-makers and companies, we develop customised planning and forecasting systems and future-proof their investments in the water and energy supply sector by presenting climate-resilient development paths that take into account imminent changes in the risk landscape.