Issues involving climate-induced changes in the hydrological cycle require a scientific basis for the development of sustainable adaptation.
Research activities in the Water & Climate working area include:
- the development of innovative flood-risk models and their application in risk analyses
- the evaluation of technical solutions for protection from flooding
- the simulation of the melt flow of snow and ice and their changes over time and
- the development and application of new methods for determining the volume of water stored in the snowpack.
Please get in touch with us:
Current projects
- Hydrological modeling of the impacts of climate change in regions with sparsely distributed networks of measurement stations.
- Period: 10/2018 – 09/2021
- Funding body: Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft – FFG; Bridge 1 – 27th tender for bids
- Partner: ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH, Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources Management of the Leibniz University Hannover
- High Resolution Flood Risk Assessment for Climate Change Adaptation with a Coupled Modelling Approach
- Period: 09/2016 – 08/2019
- Funding body: Klima und Energiefonds, ACRP – 8th tender for bids
- Link