Awareness raising SDGs

In September 2015, all 193 United Nations member states committed themselves to implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 subgoals contained in Agenda 2030 at the national, regional and international levels.

Companies play a key role in implementing the SDGs. It is recognised that long-term economic success depends on environmental and social factors. A number of studies have proven this, and there is now no longer any doubt that stakeholder orientation and sustainability are already paying off financially for companies in the medium term. In addition, the advantages of implementing sustainability goals can be summarized as follows:

  • Identifying future business opportunities
  • Increase the benefits of corporate sustainability: e.g. employer branding, supply chain, reputation, etc.
  • Strengthening stakeholder relations and preparing for legal requirements
  • Stabilising companies and markets
  • A unifying language and a common goal
  • Access to collective knowledge and creativity and enable solutions that are not only supported but also promoted by those involved. 

With the #30daychallenge, alpS offers a method to make a significant contribution to the achievement of these goals.

  • We analyse the status of your employees and stakeholders with regard to sustainability.
  • We conduct interactive awareness-raising activities.
  • We accompany your team in the implementation of concrete measures to achieve the SDGs
  • We support you in communicating your investments and measures in the area of sustainability.
  • We implement sustainability in the processes of your company on a long-term basis.

Attention: We also offer this service to schools, communities and associations. Get in touch with us.

Image source: United Nations


Dr. Daniela Hohenwallner-Ries

+43 512 392929-0