Sustainability reporting according to CSRD

With the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU is introducing a comprehensive expansion of the requirements for corporate reporting. Austrian companies are now also obliged to disclose non-financial information on the environmental or social impact of their business activities in addition to financial figures.

The CSRD aims to make the ESG (environmental, social, governance) performance of companies more transparent and easier to compare. At the same time, sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD offers companies the opportunity to make their contribution to a more sustainable economy by providing concrete options for action and emphasising sustainable measures that give them a competitive advantage.

alpS GmbH helps companies to present their sustainability performance in a transparent and structured manner and to fulfil the legal obligations arising from the CSRD.

We offer you a systematic process for implementing CSRD-compliant reporting:

  • Analysis and contextual understanding: we assess the status quo of your organisation in terms of material sustainability aspects, risks and opportunities along the entire value chain.
  • Greenhouse gas balance: In order to measure the environmental impact of company activities, we prepare a greenhouse gas balance in accordance with the internationally recognised Green House Gas Protocol guideline.
  • Target definition and action planning: Together with you, we define measurable sustainability targets and develop specific measures to achieve these targets.
  • Transparent monitoring of success: With specific indicators to measure progress and target achievement, we ensure traceable documentation.
  • Participatory approach: Through active stakeholder involvement and participatory formats such as workshops, focus groups or 30-day challenges, we create access to collective knowledge and creativity and enable solutions that are not only supported but also promoted by those involved. 



+43 512 392929-0